This Fish Cage Integrated Model (FICIM) can be used for Environmental Impact Assessment, site selection, optimization of husbandry practices and of monitoring activities in relation to marine finfish aquaculture.


This model is based on the energy balance equation. The model allows to predict the growth of an individual, the ratio of uneaten feed and excretion via faeces. To compute this, the model should be forced by water temperature, food availability and diet composition.


nt = duration of the simulation in days, nt Є [1;1825];
in = species index. 1 for Seabream, 2 for Seabass;
wini = initial weight of the individual to simulate (g).

This file should contain 1 row and 3 columns (free format) with the value of nt, in and wini.


Pcont = proteins content in the diet composition;
Lcont = lipids content in the diet composition;
Ccont = carbohydrates content in the diet composition.

This file should contain 1 row and 3 columns (free format) with the value of Pcont, Lcont and Ccont.


day = date in one of the following formats: DD/MM/YYYY | DD-MM-YYYY;
G = daily amount of food provided by individual (g).

This file should contain nt rows and 2 columns (free format) with the daily values of day and G. The day must be wrote as Dublin Julian Day (value of 1 corresponds to the 1rst of January 1900).


day = date in one of the following formats: DD/MM/YYYY | DD-MM-YYYY;
temp = daily water temperature (°C).

This file should contain nt rows and 2 columns (free format) with the daily values of day and temp. The day must be wrote as Dublin Julian Day (value of 1 corresponds to the 1rst of January 1900).